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Guide to the New Chat

Versione italiana

Access to the Chat:

To enter the new chat, all you have to do is click the link that says “Chat Room” which can be found in the middle of the home page.
If you have installed the JVM, a small window will appear where you can input the data needed to login.

In order to login to the new chat you must register a new username. All the names registered from the old chat have not been transferred to the new chat. To register all you have to do is click on the icon that says “Register”. The registration is automatic, so you will be able to use your new username right away.

Once you have entered in the chat, we advise you to increase the size of the chat window. We advise you not to make the chat any bigger than 2/3 of the screen so that you will still have space for the windows that have the sounds and the smiles

The Icon Bar:

The icon bar is a horizontal bar that appears at the bottom of the screen in that chat room. This bar allows you to activate/deactivate many of the functions present in the chat.

Here are the details of what each icon does (starting from the left)

1.Color: With this icon you are able to change the color of your font

2.Smiles: With this icon you can chose which smile you would like to use

3.Sound: With this icon you can chose which sound you would like to use

4.Timestamp: With this icon you can activate/deactivate the time of the messages written by everyone in that chat

5.Audio: With this icon you can activate/deactivate the sounds in chat

6.Copy/Paste: With this icon you can copy the messages in chat

7.Zoom +: With this icon you can increase the size of the font in that chat room

8.Zoom -: With this icon you can decrease the size of the font in that chat room

9.Eraser: with this icon you can eliminate all the messages that appear in the chat.

10.Detach/attach: this icon allows you to attack or detach the chat from the web page

11.Help: With this icon a file will appear that will help you with questions that you have about the chat

12.Exit: with this icon you will be able to exit the chat


/cls cleans the screen
/me will write your nick (Example: /me is leaving the chat)
/beepall every time there is a new message there will be a beep
/i name of the user you wish to ignore this will allow you ignore the user you wish to ignore
/i will be bale to see the list of the people you have on ignore.
/clign Deletes the list of the users you have ignored
/listen username removes a user from your list of ignored users
/m username send a private message to the user you desire. (Example: /m pippo ciao come stai (sends a private message to pippo))
/whereis username tells you which room the user are searching for is in
/whoami will be able to see information on yourself

Many of these commands listed here and many of the functions from the icon box are also accessable through:
-right clicking on the names of the users (from the list on the right hand side of the page)
-right clicking on the screen where all the messages appear on the chat.

Private Chat:

All the private messages sent using the /m command will appear on the screen where all the other messages appear (if you have not opened another window) and you can tell that you have been sent a private message because the user’s nick will appear to be in a greenish color and also by a little beep.

Other then using the /m command there is also another method (which is better) to send private messages. One way is to double click with the left mouse button on the name of the user (from the list on the right side of the page)

You can also right click on the user’s name (on the right side of the page). A menu will appear, one of the commands will say Manda un messaggio (send a message) A window will appear and that is a private chat between you and the desired user.


A reminder to everyone, moderators are nothing more then normal people that chat. The only thing that is different is that they control what is going on in chat and make sure that everything is going ok.

They do this by using special functions to clam people down or in some cases even kick them out of the chat. Have respect for these people. Moderators will be distinguished by the bluish color and bold font of their nickname.

Here is a list of the moderators (there are still missing)

Old Glories: Amore, Art, Angel, Luke, Margot800, fata21, lancelot, fareniello

New entry: Saebina87, pressagent, Villevalo, Matrix, LoVeLyYY, montesissima

There will also be 15 moderators that will be ghost moderators, which means they are invisible.
Hope you all have fun!!!

English version by Angel


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